EMMA / Solutions / FoodTech


Build immersive experiences

Create memorable and personalized omnichannel engagement campaigns.


More efficient campaigns


Increase in conversions of new users


Increase of user retention

Open the appetite of your users

Increase your chances of conversion by surprising with a visually appealing onboarding experience. Encourage them to enable push notifications and location swapping to incentivize orders with promo codes.

A feast of engagement 

Engage users with timely and contextual messages on weekends, festivals, or sporting events. Customize notifications for relevant order discounts and offers at their location.


Find out how EMMA accelerated the acquisition process by increasing the number
of purchases and defining the flow of conversion to sale faster.

A data feast with EMMA

EMMA’s custom dashboards let you set KPIs with comprehensive data views, dynamically segment audiences, and take advantage of all integrations, more than 2,000 ad networks.

The future of your App could be hidden in your data

Revolutionize the attribution and engagement of your App.