EMMA / Solutions / Fintech


Take control of your data

Find micro-segments to maximize user transactions.


Increase in engagement


Increase in transactions


Growth in user retention

Involve customers at every micro moment

Identify the users most likely to add money to their mobile wallet or complete a transaction and create differentiated engagement strategies, optimizing the ROI on your marketing spending.

Take action against fraud

Finance is the industry most affected by fraud, more than 34% of downloads are fraudulent. Take advantage of your budget with total control over fraud.

Feed your users

Connect with users when they are looking for payment options through tutorials and sending relevant notifications. Incentivize users who talk about you by offering loyalty points, discounts and more.

Ready to revolutionize the attribution and engagement of your App?

The future of your App could be hidden in your data.

Fintech Apps Whitepaper

Immerse yourself in our advanced study with benchmark metrics in the life cycle of users and the strategies followed by the market-leading financial apps.