Native ads
With total transparency for your users, EMMA allows you to integrate your communications into the content of your App by segmenting its display and personalizing the message for each user.
In-App messages in your content and in your style
Marketing professionals respond to this by creating omnichannel loyalty strategies that help customers in their micro moments. However, choosing the right combination of channels can be difficult.
Here come into play factors such as accessibility, the ability to retrieve messages, the deliverability and normalization of the message in content.
Personalized templates
Each template integrates seamlessly with the look&feel of your App.
Your marketing team only has to “fill in the gaps” of each template with the content of your communication so that it integrates perfectly into the content of your app.
Any format you imagine
EMMA Native Ads allows you to create from a simple strategically placed banner, a perfect screen slider for your users, or any other format.
The design is totally free. EMMA takes care of helping you to choose and publish the best content for each user in a completely personalized way.